Welcome to Immanuel Lutheran Church
Join us for worship every Sunday at 10 AM
Join us for worship every Sunday at 10 AM
"A House Divided and a World on Fire: Lessons from Dietrich Bonhoeffer"
Join us at 12:00 pm in the Spong Common Room as we share a simple meal and learn from the wisdom of pastor, theologian, and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"Lost and Found"
Join us for vespers worship at 6:30 pm, with First Lutheran and Atonement Lutheran at Atonement Lutheran Church (9948 Metcalf Ave. Overland Park, KS 66212). Simple refreshments will follow the service
We believe that God welcomes and loves us all.
In turn we welcome every sinner and seeker of faith -- the faithful and
not-so-faithful, new Christians and lifelong believers,
Lutherans and those from other traditions.
We welcome people of every family structure and marital status;
every race, culture and ethnicity: every age and level of physical and mental ability; every sexual orientation and gender identity;
every economic status and educational background.
Join us as we grow, share, and learn together as God's people.