Music Ministry
Music is an integral and joyful part of worship at Immanuel, and there are many opportunities for service within our Music Ministry.
Immanuel Choir
The Immanuel Choir sings for the 9:30 a.m. service, and leads music for Holy Week and other special services, including Bach Cantata Vespers services. This friendly group is open to all, and members normally range in age from high school through adult. Prior choral experience and music reading ability are helpful but not required. Rehearsals are at 9 a.m. on Sundays.
Bell Choir
The Bell Choir rings for the during worship about once a month. This group is open to all, regardless of prior ringing experience. Music reading ability is a distinct advantage, but we can also teach you what you need to know. Rehearsals usually are at 9 a.m. Saturday morning of the weekend that the bells are ringing.
Living Prayer
Living Prayer is a small group of musicians who periodically present contemporary-style musical offerings.
Children’s Choir
A children’s choir sings at the 9:30 a.m. service several times a year. The children rehearse as a part of Sunday School lessons.
Chime Choir
The Chime Choir is a small group of children, grades 2 and up, who meet seasonally to prepare to ring as a part of Sunday morning worship.
Bach Cantata Vespers
Immanuel Lutheran Church has a long tradition of presenting Bach’s cantatas within the liturgical context of a Vespers Service. Stay tuned for information about the upcoming schedule
Summer Music
Our choir takes a break over the summer, and special music is provided by talented volunteers from the congregation.
For more information about the Music Ministry at Immanuel Lutheran, contact our Music Director at
Immanuel Choir