The people of Immanuel support the ministry at Gathering Table in northeast Kansas City in many ways. Gathering Table offers food, clothing, shelter, encouragement and the word of God to houseless and needy people. To learn more, visit
YouthWorks, which provides Christ-centered mission trips for thousands of teenagers and adult leaders in communities across the U.S. and beyond, makes Immanuel its Kansas City-based home during the summer. Staff and volunteers live in our building while they provide nonprofit groups in Kansas City with valuable labor to accomplish tasks that otherwise might go undone. During 2022, Immanuel hosted 375 participants from 25 churches located in 10 states. Participants served at 19 venues, including community gardens, soup kitchens, thrift stores, homeless shelters, social organizations and Immanuel.
Oxford House provides a safe, structured environment for people in recovery from substance abuse. As part of Immanuel's service to our community, women in recovery currently live in Westport Oxford House, which is in the former parsonage behind our church building. Immanuel leases the home to Oxford House at far below the market rate.