The Oxford Dictionary defines Food Insecurity as the condition of not having access to sufficient food, or food of an adequate quality, to meet one's basic needs. Food insecurity is an issue for some college students, and the lack of adequate nutrition can impact their educational, social and health needs. A 2019 survey of undergraduate and graduate students at UMKC found that 32% of undergraduates and 19% of graduate students experienced food insecurity1. A similar study, published in 2024, surveyed 844 college students across 9 Missouri institutions of higher learning and found 45% of the respondents reported being food insecure2.
1Don E. Willis, 2019. Food Insecurity Among UMKC Students: A Summary Report. University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
2Chrisman, M. et al., 2024, J. Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development13.
During the Lenten Season, Immanuel’s Social Ministry Committee hosts a food drive to supply food to pantries at three institutions of higher learning in our region: Westwood House at KU-Lawrence, the Dr. Raj Bala Agrawal Care Center at UMKC, and the Thrive Food Pantry at KUMC. A list of most needed items is below.
In 2025, collection of food starts Sunday, March 9 and continues through Sunday April 20.
Immanuel members may bring their donations and place them on the table in the upstairs elevator lobby.
Community members may drop off donations at Immanuel during business hours, 10 AM to 2 PM, Monday through Friday at the south Bell Street entrance. Just ring the bell for assistance.
Community members may also bring donations to Immanuel on Sunday morning, and either join us for worship or leave the donation in a box at the Bell Street entrance.
Oxford House provides a safe, structured environment for people in recovery from substance abuse. As part of Immanuel's service to our community, women in recovery currently live in Westport Oxford House, which is in the former parsonage behind our church building. Immanuel leases the home to Oxford House at far below the market rate.
College Food Pantry Wish List 2025 (pdf)