At Immanuel, confirmation is a rich faith-learning experience, and our curriculum is structured so students can enjoy it and feel supported as they complete it. Confirmation study is led by our pastoral staff and lay volunteers. Loving involvement from parents and/or mentors is an important element.
Students are required to complete a minimum of 15 experiences in each of three categories: Theology and Tradition, History, and Discipleship. They can choose from multiple activities, and work together or independently at their own pace.
To request a copy of "Seeds of Faith," the curriculum booklet, contact
When a student is confirmed during a special worship service, the congregation presents the student with a tree to plant at home or elsewhere. Our hope is that the tree becomes a symbol of the student's faith life ... not finished, but growing continually in the body of Christ. As the tree bears fruit, confirmands are invited to seek nurturing and growth within the church of God to bear fruit in the world.